Why should I learn Cloud Computing?
Did you know that the size of a computer was once as big as a room? Thanks to the advent of transistors, portable handheld computers with insane processing power are now possible. Just like how transistors transformed our lives, the Cloud is also undertaking the same path. Cloud computing is the next frontier of digital transformation. I believe it is the modern-day “Transistor”. Cloud Computing has become a critical part of IT for all major companies around the world. Especially since almost everything in the digital world is connected to the cloud in some way or another.
If you ask Microsoft Azure which is a cloud computing service created by Microsoft for building, testing, deploying, and managing applications and services through Microsoft-managed data centers, what is the one skill that will help workers remain relevant and job-secure the answer is simple: Cloud Computing.
Here are a few reasons why you should consider learning cloud computing:
- The job market for Cloud Professionals is huge!
If you take a look at the evolution of the cloud computing market, you will get an insight that companies around the world are looking for more and more cloud computing experts, This is a consequence of the fact that more companies are switching from the on-prem environment to cloud solutions. - Some of the highest-paying IT positions that may require cloud skills
If you are looking for a career with high earning potential, Cloud Computing, Congratulations! You are at the right place. With the whole world turning becoming digital, switching from the on-prem environment to cloud solutions finding people who understand the cloud is highly marketable. According to GlassDoor, Cloud Architects can expect a salary of $159k/year, while Cloud Developers earn an average of $180k/year. - Job Security
No matter which industry you work in, a background in Cloud Computing opens so many doors. Knowledge in cloud computing shows that you are skilled to help your organization reduce risks and costs to implement projects on different cloud platforms.